...that men seem (in general, etc.) to want/like/love/are attracted to women who are fit/skinny/healthy, but turn around and mock them when they order diet beverages at a restaurant and/or buy them at the store and/or buy 'light' products? I don't get it.
I'm looking for real comments here.
There's friendly chiding and there's real criticism. We chide because we love and expect similar treatment. If it's the later, it's because we don't like to think about what we say. And why should we care about another's feelings? In America, you mock anything that is different (regardless of whether or not it contradicts what you want/believe).
I think the reason is because guy looks at girl, and she is thin, and often doesn't think that it might take effort. Often they mellow out with age, once they realize it does take effort to remain trim.
it's because they think diet drinks are sick tasting and can't stand them, in which case, it's nothing against the girl, only the drink, food, or other light item.
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