

Things that can give me the jibblies:

Being controlled or forced to do anything (even if it's something I already do).
Annoying, ditzy, diva flute players.
Music professors (sometimes).
Tight finances.
Getting sick.
Annoying roommates.


yaj000 said...


Things that can give me the jibblies:

Being controlled or forced to do anything (even if it's something I already do).

I am forcing you to read this. So did I give you jibblies? ;).
BTW, what is the HECK are jibblies??? Some condition your current boyfriend has? :)

JB said...

The Jibblies are kinda like the creeps. Only different.

Cinderella, I hear ya. That creeps me out too. Wanna chat about it?

Saule Cogneur said...

"Diva flute players"?

Isn't that some kind of oxymoron?

Cinderella said...

JB, I'd love to chat about it sometime. :)

Gradschoolguru - No, I still chose to read it. Forcing me to read something would be physically holding me in place, holding my eyelids open. I could still just scroll down and not read what you wrote. It's more of "You 'have' to do [insert thing here] or else I won't like you or you won't be good enough," etc. etc. Or, "I've discovered that *this* is the best way to do [insert thing here], so this is how we're doing it. Period." I hate being swept aside without even so much as a "What do you think, Cinderella?"

S.C. It's only an oxymoron for a select few. There are also a lot of ditzy diva flute players, which are worse. Ick.

Tolkien Boy said...

I thought it was more of a redundancy.

JB said...

Um. I think I may be a ditzy diva flute player... would you still be my friend if I were?